Mitigation Opportunities Assessment for UK BEIS

April 2020 – Present Vivid Economics, Adam Smith International and Factor are working together to provide BEIS with evidence to inform a strategic approach to deploying UK International Climate Finance for mitigation action in developing countries. I am a senior adviser on the project, currently assessing a long list of options and selecting some 15 […]

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Barbados NDC update

March 2020 – Present As key policy expert, I am leading a team from EQO-Nixus and the BlueGreen Initiative tasked by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support preparation of an updated NDC with the Government of Barbados. We will update Barbados’ first NDC, in line with UNFCCC requirements, new national priorities and targets established […]

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Climate Finance Accelerator and Pathfinder

July 2017 – Present The Climate Finance Accelerator was created by Ian Callaghan and Tessa Tenant in the run-up to the 2015 Paris Climate Summit. It is a facilitated process of practical assistance from financial and green finance experts to address finance and investment arising from the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. […]

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Best practice in implementation of the EU F-Gas Regulation

July 2015 – Present In Germany, I represent the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), an internationally renowned NGO with a track record of under-cover work and policy advocacy for more than 20 years. F-gases are cooling agents and powerful climate killers. Our work on F-gases used in, for example, air conditioners and freezers, promotes best practice […]

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Suriname: Preparing an enhanced 2030 NDC

July 2019 – January 2020 Suriname was the second country in the world to present an enhanced and ambitious climate plan at the December 2019 climate talks in Madrid. As key policy expert, I led a team from EQO-Nixus and ILACO tasked by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support preparation of a new NDC […]

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Nigeria: Development and implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

In 2014, Nigeria became the largest economy in sub-Sahara Africa. Yet, food security, lack of access to energy, and high unemployment, amongst others, are principal constraints on economic development. In addition to these challenges, Nigeria is significantly impacted by climate change. The north of the country, for example, is highly vulnerable to drought. Since 2015, […]

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INDC implementation roadmap and legislative framework – Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility – 2

Jun 2016 – Dec 2016 It is the intention of Nigeria to make INDC implementation a central pillar of its development policy. Hence there is an opportunity to integrate climate action and the SDGs with national priorities, policies and plans. We support development of a Roadmap to guide INDC implementation across government and all sectors […]

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Development of five sector action plans for Nigeria’s NDC

August 2016 – June 2017 Leading a large team of national and international experts to prepare NDC action plans to guide implementation on the climate policy in close collaboration with the relevant ministries and stakeholders across five sectors: agriculture, industry, oil and gas, power and transport. The project is implemented with UNDP support by Ricardo […]

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Supporting the development of Nigeria’s INDC

June 2015 – October 2015 In preparation for the 21st meeting of Parties to the UN climate change convention, to be held in Paris from 30 November – 11 December 2015, all governments are requested to prepare their climate plans, so called Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).Nigeria intends to do its fair share and submitted […]

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