Jun 2016 – Dec 2016

It is the intention of Nigeria to make INDC implementation a central pillar of its development policy. Hence there is an opportunity to integrate climate action and the SDGs with national priorities, policies and plans. We support development of a Roadmap to guide INDC implementation across government and all sectors of the economy. The Implementation Roadmap is a practical guide to help all government ministries, departments and agencies to develop detailed plans for INDC implementation. It provides guidance on:

• Governance and Inter-Ministerial Co-ordination;
• Stakeholder engagement;
• Knowledge Management and Communications (KM&C);
• Developing MDA and sector specific Action Plans;
• Financing including for action plans; and
• Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV).

The Chairman of the House Committee for Climate Change has established a joint committee (with members from both the Senate and House) to develop and pass into law framework legislation to support and drive the climate agenda. NIAF has been asked to work with the Committee to develop climate legislation. The framework can support selection of projects and programs which contribute to a greener economy. The legislation could further help the legislative budgetary process.

Hans Verolme
Author: Hans Verolme

Hans Verolme is the founder of the Climate Advisers Network and has extensive analytical and advisory experience in Africa, South America and Asia and is widely recognized as an expert across the entire spectrum of low carbon transitions. With over 20 years of international negotiations experience, he has been a valued adviser to governments, foundations and civil society. Prior to setting up the Climate Advisers Network, he advised the British ambassador in Washington, DC, and served as Global and US Climate Change Director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). All politics is local, climate politics is global. Hans has worked in, amongst others, Barbados, Bhutan, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, European Union, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Myanmar, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States.