July 2019 – January 2020
Suriname was the second country in the world to present an enhanced and ambitious climate plan at the December 2019 climate talks in Madrid. As key policy expert, I led a team from EQO-Nixus and ILACO tasked by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support preparation of a new NDC with the government of Suriname.
This NDC is fully aligned with the Development Plan 2017 – 2021 and sectoral policies. It defines both mitigation and adaptation actions in four sectors (forests, electricity, transport and agriculture) to be taken in order to contribute to the global effort to achieve the objectives set up under the Paris Agreement.
Importantly, we prepared a project portfolio with investment opportunities of some US$ 692 million to align development partners and private finance with the NDC opportunities.

Author: Hans Verolme
Hans Verolme is the founder of the Climate Advisers Network and has extensive analytical and advisory experience in Africa, South America and Asia and is widely recognized as an expert across the entire spectrum of low carbon transitions. With over 20 years of international negotiations experience, he has been a valued adviser to governments, foundations and civil society. Prior to setting up the Climate Advisers Network, he advised the British ambassador in Washington, DC, and served as Global and US Climate Change Director of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). All politics is local, climate politics is global. Hans has worked in, amongst others, Barbados, Bhutan, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, European Union, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Myanmar, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States.