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  • Hans Verolme


Europe and Latin America Towards More Ambitious Collective Climate Action

December 2014 by Heinrich Böll Stiftung European Union office publication description Ahead of the Lima climate talks (COP20) the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung – European Union office commissioned...

Renewables on the Rise

November 2014 by Heinrich Böll Stiftung – Nigeria and West Africa office Drawing on the best available, most recent research, I prepared the report “Renewables...

Exploring Sustainable Low Carbon Development Pathways: An Introduction

February 2014 by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany Providing sustainable development for all and fighting climate change – these are two major challenges the world faces...

What Future for International Climate Politics? A Call for a Strategic Reset

September 2013 by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung – Germany Climate change has been on the global agenda for over 20 years, but international co-operation has shown mixed results....

European Climate Leadership

March 2012 by Heinrich Böll Stiftung – European Union office The expectations for the 2011 climate conference in Durban were extremely low, as countries were...